Thursday, May 15, 2014

My Life in Pictures!

So in typical fashion, I am avoiding working on my final papers and presentations and studying. We leave this afternoon for a homestay and I have a few free hours that I don't know what to do with. I went running, and ate breakfast, so now I think I'll give you a glimpse of places I visit here, and the hostel where I live. Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but these don't do the subjects justice. But at least it's something!

This first one is a picture of my dorm room, since this picture it has gotten significantly messier! (And yes the bed is too short for me and extremely hard) Our "closets" are opposite the window and I am standing in the doorway taking the picture.

The next are a few lovely shots of our bathroom, shared with our little cluster of 5 rooms. Luckily, no one else lives near us so we get it all to ourself! I promise there's a "real" toilet too, I just don't have a picture of it. It's equally janky as the rest of the bathroom.. theres no seat!

And this is an example of the hallway we live on. We live on the top floor of our hostel, which is situated on top of a huge hill. We are literally the king of the hill. 

These are a few random pictures from around the lakes on campus (lovely green), at a typical bus stop, and then one from the stadium that I often end my runs at to do some abs.

Here are a few pictures from classes, or outside of our classrooms, and room I like to study in. I also included one of the canteen that's down the hill from my dorm as well.

These are from the complete opposite side of campus, the soccer fields. I run by them, and it takes me about 20 min to get there, if that gives you any idea how big the campus is. I don't run slow either.

I think that's all the "place" pictures I've taken so far. If I remember, I'll try and take some of the international students apartments that I frequent, or their pool which has been such a lifesaver. It's funny, looking back through my pictures, I've done a lot of really cool stuff here, and I love every picture I've taken. I haven't been crazy with my camera, nor have I been lacking, but I think the saying "you only regret the pictures you don't take" is very accurate. I'm going to try and take a lot of pictures these last two weeks. Get ready!

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